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Beechworth Secondary College Gymnasium

Beechworth (Yorta Yorta Land), Victoria
Victorian School Building Authority
Under Construction (due to be completed late-2023)
Pre-Design services, Architecture & Interior Design, Project Management, Contract Admin, Post-Construction services

Beechworth Secondary College suffered major damage during the 2012 bushfires. The Beechworth Secondary College Gymnasium project forms part of the post-bushfire redevelopment and revitalisation of the school’s facilities and grounds.

The gymnasium build is part of the Stage 4 of the redevelopment and called for the adaptive re-use of the existing school gymnasium. The gymnasium design provides new recreational facilities for the school community and incorporates that capacity for the facility to act as a public shelter-in-place location in the advent of any potential future natural disasters. In addition, the design enables the facilities to be leased outside of school hours for local community and private use, allowing the facility to service broader community and civic needs.

Working with the client group, Grayspace Architects developed a community centred project tailored to meet the school’s vision of creating a healthy and safe space, that forms an active, vibrant, and inclusive community hub. The new design provides a much-needed space that promotes fitness, supports a range of community functions, and can be used for local festivals and other events. The design solution celebrates the rich history of this iconic location, incorporating in the built form and urban design response local building materials and colours that draw from its context. The new building will been welcomed by the traditional owners of the land with a smoking and naming ceremony.